10:00 am - 428.7 milles / 6 hores 38 minuts - 4:39 pm
John Lewis assaulted in Rock Hill by Elwin Wilson
5:39 pm - 236.2 milles / 3 hores 49 minuts - 9:29 pm
Dia 2
9:00 am - 0 milles / 0 - 9:00 am
riders arrive in Atlanta Georgia on May 13th and leave on May 14th
10:00 am - 89.5 milles / una hora 26 minuts - 10:27 am
on May 14th Klansmen block a bus and slash tires, the bus is then firebombed outside of time. The Klansmen tried to hold the doors shut to try and burn the riders alive.
11:27 am - 64.2 milles / una hora 4 minuts - 12:32 pm
when the bus stops in Birmingham the riders are brutally beat by a mob of Klan members wielding bats pipes and bike chains
1:32 pm - 91.3 milles / una hora 23 minuts - 2:56 pm
a police escort that was provided left at Montgomery city limits. riders are met at a bus stop by a mob wielding bats pipes and bike chains the police allowed the beating to happen
3:56 pm - 243.6 milles / 3 hores 59 minuts - 7:56 pm
buses are protected by police and national guard but riders are arrested for trying to use white only facility's in Jackson
8:56 pm - 72.5 milles / una hora 4 minuts - 10:00 pm
Dia 3