17:00 - 56.4 km / 56 minuts - 17:56
Dia 2
9:00 - 18.2 km / 18 minuts - 10:00
13:00 - 56.1 km / 51 minuts - 13:51
Suggested duration
2-3 hours
There are two ways to do the hike, on the left and on the right side of the canyon. The right side needs a river crossing. There is typically a log to help with the crossing in the summer, at the time of my hike on 17th of May, the log was not up yet. I just ended up crossing the river straight through, you will need to bring a towel an maybe spare shoes if you want to do the same. Hiking poles will help here if you are not comfortable with river crossings.
Regardless, please try to do the right side, it's just not even comparable to the left one in terms of views.
16:51 - 159.1 km / 2 hores 7 minuts - 18:58
19:58 - 42.8 km / 32 minuts - 20:31
Dia 3
9:00 - 28.7 km / 22 minuts - 9:22
10:22 - 5.5 km / 5 minuts - 10:28
11:28 - 10.4 km / 8 minuts - 11:37
12:37 - 86.4 km / una hora - 13:37
14:37 - 6.2 km / 6 minuts - 14:43
15:43 - 47.5 km / 34 minuts - 16:17
Dia 4
9:00 - 150.9 km / una hora 45 minuts - 10:45
11:45 - 0.2 km / - 11:46
12:46 - 20.5 km / 16 minuts - 13:02
14:02 - 0.4 km / - 14:03
15:03 - 44.6 km / 33 minuts - 15:36
16:36 - 23.2 km / 17 minuts - 23:13
Dia 5
9:00 - 79.4 km / una hora 2 minuts - 10:02
11:02 - 3.6 km / 4 minuts - 11:07
12:07 - 29.5 km / 27 minuts - 12:34
13:34 - 27.0 km / 20 minuts - 13:54
14:54 - 7.6 km / 6 minuts - 20:10
Dia 6
9:00 - 2.0 km / 2 minuts - 12:00
15:00 - 8.4 km / 5 minuts - 15:05
16:05 - 8.4 km / 5 minuts - 16:11
17:11 - 2.0 km / 2 minuts - 17:13
Dia 7
9:00 - 30.2 km / 26 minuts - 9:26
10:26 - 122.2 km / 2 hores 2 minuts - 12:28
13:28 - 101.4 km / 2 hores 9 minuts - 15:38
16:38 - 24.6 km / 43 minuts - 17:21
18:21 - 61.2 km / 42 minuts - 19:04
20:04 - 5.8 km / 5 minuts - 21:05
Dia 8
Dia 9
Dia 10
9:00 - 93.0 km / una hora 3 minuts - 10:03
11:03 - 72.0 km / 49 minuts - 11:53
12:53 - 10.8 km / 9 minuts - 13:02
14:02 - 19.6 km / 18 minuts - 14:21
15:21 - 27.5 km / 24 minuts - 15:45
16:45 - 133.2 km / una hora 33 minuts - 18:18
19:18 - 20.0 km / 24 minuts - 19:43
20:43 - 76.2 km / una hora 13 minuts - 21:56
Dia 11
Dia 12